\\ \\ ====== Documentation For Acadar World ====== \\ Physical Location: Andromeda\\ Climate: Temperate to Tropical\\ Class: M Habitable\\ Population: Currently occupied by a handful of Explorers and Colonists. No sign of prior civilization other than archeology left behind.\\ Intelligence:\\ - There was a mutant infested treasure filled dungeon logged here. Details Vague. Bounties offered to anyone who can clear out the mutants. - Although a frontier world, where anarchy gameplay applies; it has a local legal system and court house in place - property damage is punishable. - Technomancers have a research facility here. \\ Notes: Appears to have a number of ancient structures and facilities, who or what made them is unknown. Mostly looted except the mutant areas. \\ \\ We @ **Our-game.net** hope you find this '**Wiki**' helpful and informative.