Imagine a newspaper that is a digital online Wiki. Imagine if the content was created by a combination of some of the most famous, award-winning, journalists alongside clever citizen reporters and special investigators. That media breakthrough is SOMO NEWS at http://www.somo1.com

SOMO is an online publication focused on aggregating, exploring and discussing a mandate for the creation of anti-corruption systems. SOMO reporters, investigators and researchers detail the process, as an example of the failed system, which needs to be corrected. Participants come from every political affiliation. No party is off-limits. If someone in that party is doing the crime, they are going to get the heat. Quite a few people, banks and others have now been indicted, fined, investigated, fired or otherwise addressed. The fix is in, but it is a long row to hoe.

Somo Breaking News - SOMO was originally created by reporters, to help other reporters with their research, but then we figured: “oh, what the heck” and opened it up to everybody. SOMO is now replicated and mirrored in English globally. When SOMO is attacked and killed by denial of service, or other attacks, it can now be crossed over and revived on a mirror within 5 minutes or less. SOMO offers goodies and links for mirrors. Feel free to mirror SOMO.

Public Transparency - SOMO has no secrets. SOMO does not even own a file cabinet or hard drive. If SOMO has some information or data then you, the cops, the feds, the public, Congress…everybody has it. Everything on SOMO has already been published other places, previously. This is just a public aggregation Wiki. SOMO does not break the law. Nobody can post here unless they have already posted it somewhere else. SOMO is a very non-profit public service WiKi.

SOMO will expand it’s scope in the future and assume a magazine format. Additional brands, already online, will support the effort and come together in the future as we complete UI/UX testing and security systems testing. The #1 question we get: “Who pays for SOMO?“

Social Studies - Many people wonder if this a secret Dark Money project funded by one of those billionaires that buys part of the election each year? If only!!! We could use the cash. Everybody contributes what they can, but some of the reporters are kind of famous and have book deals, and things, so they are a little rich, sometimes, when a royalty check comes in. Also, we let anybody that wants to, pay the awards directly. We don’t even know who they are. As long as you get your money and we get good tips and links, it is fine for everybody. If you want to help pay the awards anonymously, CONTACT SOMO at http://www.somo1.com

SOMO NEWS is not WikiLeaks, or anything like them. Everything published on SOMO has already been published somewhere else, or is a tip about something published somewhere else, usually in some obscure location. Often we are just pushing some known facts out deeper into the public eye.

tyson227.txt · Last modified: 2014/02/23 10:28 by shani8
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