Gatelist and technical specifications for Stargates

General Purpose guide on stargates in Dark Fortress Universe.
Our current system basically uses a 7 bit binary address system, allowing for a maximum of 128 possible destinations.
Particular blocks represent each bit of the address, and those blocks key the gate to its destination gate which must contain those same blocks - and be activated.
Once a gate is constructed, and/or the address is keyed in - if the design in valid, you can activate it by right clicking a clock onto the diamond block.
To deactivate the gate you can either block off/bury the gate or remove/break a block from the inner circle of the frame - once the circle is broken the wormhole will collapse. Either when the block is broken, or as soon as someone attempts to enter it.
It is also possible to create one way gates by placing a block or a half step in front of the lowest points of the wormhole (water blocks). This can also be used to make the gate only exit from one side, by placing a block or half step on the side you do not wish to exit from.
There is also 128 more addresses (giving us 256) which in theory are not dialable gate locations due to block 123 being used as the frame.

However because the plugin /only/ requires block 57; the frame block 123 could in theory be omitted for additional addresses. To make use of these a special Gamma gate design would be needed where block 123 is not used in any part of the frame.

In theory a complex set of pistons similar to the Beta gate design but allowing all positions of the stargate to be altered would be needed. Such a design is possible but would be such a departure from usual gate design as to not be recognizable as one. In any event these extra addresses can be used for special purpose stargates.

on the other hand -
Using normal gate design; and a different frame block, you could make; for example, a stargate that only allows dialing local area stargates as the “area code” blocks would be always part of the frame. This could make a gate with 1 address that connects to the main network, with the frame block as a dialable address block. However it would have many other codes that were outside the main network.
A gate like this would only be able to dial 8 main network locations, and up to 120 off network locations. If even a single block is altered from the blocks used for the dial code, you could have 64 unique addresses, allowing nearly unlimited stargate networks - in a sort of network uplink/hub/downlink topography.

Construction Notes

Each stargate is made up of a closed hollow circle, or other holed but closed shape; the inner surface is composed of the “lamp off”(123) block as a frame, with at least one diamond(57)block on the bottom most blocks.

To input a dial code you need to substitute individual lamp off blocks with “Dialing Chevron” Blocks. The number used is unimportant, so long as there is one of each chevron required to trigger the desired dial code.

This can be done with pistons, by manually placing or using redstone or other plugins to alter the block type.

Dark Fortress Gate
Once you have the blocks making up your desired dial code, you right click the diamond block with a “clock” item. After a wormhole is started, you can collapse it again by breaking the inner frame circle, either by breaking or moving a block out of the frame. You can also leave it active, but blocked by burying or covering up the airblocks at the front and back of the wormhole blocks (the water block usually) Grimsgate for instance contains a SG1 style “iris” setup activated by a lever using the “gate” facility of craft book. When closed the gate is active but will drop off the network as a destination until the iris is “opened” again.

Conversion Table

Standard Frame Blocks: 123 (lamp off),57 (diamond) #
Dial Chevrons:
124 = Lamp on
42 = Iron Block
49 = Obsidian
22 = Lapis lazuli
89 = Glowstone
112 = Nether Brick
98 = Stone Artifact *

(* this is the (worm hole) kill chevron. Any address containing this that connects will usually be fatal or a trap.)
(# the diamond block is the “Activation block” and cannot be omitted. You right click a clock to try to activate stargate)

Defaults/home position:
(This dials the dark fortress and Starbase Beta Gate Room)
Alpha Gate:
Beta Gate:
-23, 5 -A -B
Block IDs:

Beta Dial Codes

+/- (meaning top or bottom of galaxy FYI)
Buttons numbered 1 to 4. You dial 2 of these. (which would be the Quarter of the half you selected)
Galactic “sector” buttons 5 and 6 (meaning left or right half of galaxy FYI but thats informal)
A and B levers are like a “multiplier” (which means it selects galaxy) Our gates can only link 6 or so galaxies! (But distant gates could be set for 5 different galaxies and 1 common and go on forever)
There is also a “kill” switch which is only used to shut off the worm hole. If you try to activate a stargate with the kill switch active the gate will malfunction.

An example address might be +125+A-B.   
This is + top of galaxy,  5 is left half, 12 top quarter, 
+A one galaxy across, -B 1 galaxy down etc.

-B = (123) Lamp off (+B off)
+B = (22) Lapis
-A = (123) Lamp off (+A off)
+A = (49) Obsidian
7 = (98) Stone Artifact
6 = (112) Nether Brick(5)
5 = (123) Lamp off(6)
4 = (89) Glowstone(2)
3 = (123) Lamp off(1)
2 = (123) Lamp off(4)
1 = (42) Iron Block(3)
+ = (124) Lamp on
- = (123) Lamp off

Alpha Dial Codes

Alpha gates use a simple 7 bit on/off binary address system.
This is made up of 7 buttons or switches to toggle on or off each position of the binary number.
Binary addresses are formatted as follows 0 = off, 1 = on. Example: 0100110
When making a gate 0 in the address always refers to the lamp off block (123).

The conversion table below uses the following to refer to each position.

So A would be for instance 1000000, and E would be 0000100.

A = (98) Stone Artifact (7)
B = (89) Glowstone (4on/2off)
C = (49) Obsidian (+A)
D = (124) Lamp on (+on/-off)
E = (22) Lapis (+B)
F = (42) Iron Block (1on/3off)
G = (112) Nether Brick (6on/5off)

So given a dial code of 0010100 - all the 0's at position AB,D,FG are lamp off (123), the 1 at position C is obsidian (49), the 1 at position E is Lapis (22).
This means you need to make a gate frame made up of 123,49,22 and with a diamond block(57) on the bottom to “clock” the gate open. (Right click with the clock item)

The (bracketed) items in table are the Beta gate equivalent.
In theory there is several undialable gate address's which would still be part of the network.
If we omit block 123; Which is usually part of each stargate frame, this gives us 128 more combinations.
These addresses can be reserved for future projects.

Secret Gate list

Summary of all possible dial locations and details of destination if any -


Common Area Code: 5+AB / ??1?1?0


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 0010100
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -23 5+AB
Hex Address: 49,22,123,57
Physical Location: Orbiting Dead Center Habitable Zone Somewhere in Andromeda


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 0011100
Betagate Dial Coordinate: +23 5+AB
Hex Address: 49,124,22,123,57
Physical Location: ??


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1011100
Betagate Dial Coordinate: +237 5+AB
Hex Address: 98,49,124,22,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1010100
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -237 5+AB
Hex Address: 98,49,22,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 0010110
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -12 5+AB
Hex Address: 49,22,42,123,57
Physical Location: ??


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 0011110
Betagate Dial Coordinate: +12 5+AB
Hex Address: 49,124,22,42,123,57
Physical Location: ??


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1010110
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -127 5+AB
Hex Address: 98,49,22,42,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1011110
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -127 5+AB
Hex Address: 98,49,124,22,42,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 0111110
Betagate Dial Coordinate: +14 5+AB
Hex Address: 98,89,49,124,22,42,123,57
Physical Location: Habitable Zone


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 0110110
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -14 5+AB
Hex Address: 98,89,49,22,42,123,57
Physical Location: Habitable Zone


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1110110
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -417 5+AB
Hex Address: 98,89,49,22,42,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code - Suspected to be the moon of P3X-661 - Hard Vacuum, Gate Buried


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1111110
Betagate Dial Coordinate: +147 5+AB
Hex Address: 98,89,49,124,22,42,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code - Suspected to be in or near the Star of the P3X-6X System


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 0110100
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -43 5+AB
Hex Address: 89,49,22,123,57
Physical Location: ??


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 0111100
Betagate Dial Coordinate: +43 5+AB
Hex Address: 89,49,124,22,123,57
Physical Location: ??


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1111100
Betagate Dial Coordinate: +437 5+AB
Hex Address: 98,89,49,124,22,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1110100
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -437 5+AB
Hex Address: 98,89,49,22,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code

Unknown Region 6+A-B


Common Area Code: 6-A+B / ??0?1?1


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 0000101
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -23 6-A+B
Hex Address: 22,112,123,57
Physical Location: ??


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 00011001
Betagate Dial Coordinate: +23 6-A+B
Hex Address: 124,22,112,123,57
Physical Location: ??


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1001101
Betagate Dial Coordinate: +237 6-A+B
Hex Address: 98,124,22,112,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1000101
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -237 6-A+B
Hex Address: 98,22,112,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 0000111
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -12 6-A+B
Hex Address: 22,42,112,123,57
Physical Location: ??


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 0001111
Betagate Dial Coordinate: +12 6-A+B
Hex Address: 124,22,42,112,123,57
Physical Location: ??


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1000111
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -127 6-A+B
Hex Address: 98,22,42,112,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1001111
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -127 6-A+B
Hex Address: 98,124,22,42,112,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 0101111
Betagate Dial Coordinate: +41 6-A+B
Hex Address: 98,89,124,22,42,112,123,57
Physical Location: ??


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 0100111
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -41 6-A+B
Hex Address: 98,89,22,42,112,123,57
Physical Location: ??


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1100111
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -417 6-A+B
Hex Address: 98,89,22,42,112,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1101111
Betagate Dial Coordinate: +417 6-A+B
Hex Address: 98,89,124,22,42,112,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 0100101
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -34 6-A+B
Hex Address: 89,22,112,123,57
Physical Location: Orbiting Outer Edge of Habitable zone somewhere in Orion


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 0101101
Betagate Dial Coordinate: +34 6-A+B
Hex Address: 89,124,22,112,123,57
Physical Location: ??


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1101101
Betagate Dial Coordinate: +347 6-A+B
Hex Address: 98,89,124,22,112,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1100101
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -347 6-A+B
Hex Address: 98,89,22,112,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code

Dark fortress homeworld sector

Common Area Code: 5-AB / ??0?0?0

Below is incomplete 
please ignore


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 0000101
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -23 6-A+B
Hex Address: 22,112,123,57
Physical Location: ??


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 00011001
Betagate Dial Coordinate: +23 6-A+B
Hex Address: 124,22,112,123,57
Physical Location: ??


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1001101
Betagate Dial Coordinate: +237 6-A+B
Hex Address: 98,124,22,112,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1000101
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -237 6-A+B
Hex Address: 98,22,112,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 0000111
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -12 6-A+B
Hex Address: 22,42,112,123,57
Physical Location: ??


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 0001111
Betagate Dial Coordinate: +12 6-A+B
Hex Address: 124,22,42,112,123,57
Physical Location: ??


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1000111
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -127 6-A+B
Hex Address: 98,22,42,112,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1001111
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -127 6-A+B
Hex Address: 98,124,22,42,112,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 0101111
Betagate Dial Coordinate: +41 6-A+B
Hex Address: 98,89,124,22,42,112,123,57
Physical Location: ??


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 0100111
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -41 6-A+B
Hex Address: 98,89,22,42,112,123,57
Physical Location: ??


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1100111
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -417 6-A+B
Hex Address: 98,89,22,42,112,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1101111
Betagate Dial Coordinate: +417 6-A+B
Hex Address: 98,89,124,22,42,112,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 0100101
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -34 6-A+B
Hex Address: 89,22,112,123,57
Physical Location: ???


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 0101101
Betagate Dial Coordinate: +34 6-A+B
Hex Address: 89,124,22,112,123,57
Physical Location: ??


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1101101
Betagate Dial Coordinate: +347 6-A+B
Hex Address: 98,89,124,22,112,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code


Alphagate Binary Coordinate: 1100101
Betagate Dial Coordinate: -347 6-A+B
Hex Address: 98,89,22,112,123,57
Physical Location: Kill Code

Raw List

5-AB homeworld sector
+23 5-AB / 0001000 - RUINS
-23 5-AB / 0000000 - Dark Fortress
+14 5-AB / 0101010 - Brotherhood Kingdom / Base
-14 5-AB / 0100010 - Allansia
+12 5-AB / 0001010 - projects moon
+14 5+AB / 0111110 - P3X-660
-14 5+AB / 0110110 - P3X-666
+1475+A-B / 1111010 - Funpark
-23 5+A+B / 0010100 - Acadar
+23 5+AB / 0011100 - ??
+12 5-A+B / 0000110 - PJ6-877
-23 5+A-B / 0010000 - P2x-005
-23 6+A-B / 0010001 - ??
-34 6-A+B / 0100101 - KS7-535
-12 6+A-B / 0010011 - Proclarush / P2X-002 (?) fixed
-12 6-AB / 0000011 - Cybertron
??? 6+AB / - ??
??? 6-AB / - ??

A = (98) Stone Artifact (7)
B = (89) Glowstone (4on/2off)
C = (49) Obsidian (+A)
D = (124) Lamp on (+on/-off)
E = (22) Lapis (+B)
F = (42) Iron Block (1on/3off)
G = (112) Nether Brick (6on/5off)

– need to add rest later –

gatelist.txt · Last modified: 2013/08/18 07:11 by admin
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